Cherry fruit fly
What is Probandz?
ProBandz® is a natural, safe product containing 54-58% sugars.
ProBandz® is approved for use in the UK with all authorised plant protection products on all edible and non-edible crops, provided that the statutory conditions of use for the pesticide are followed and that the pesticide is not used at more than 50% of the maximum approved rate for that application.
Mode of Action
Probandz® is added to the insecticidal spray mix, stimulating the target pests to feed on the mix.
As a result, the fruit flies ingest a larger dose of insecticide
The flies then die faster which reduces egg-laying and future generations
Target pests

We recommend that Probandz® is used as a bait spray, but it may also be added to a full-volume spray application provided that the insecticide rate does not exceed 50% of the full recommended rate.
Experiments in the laboratory, experimental plots, and in commercial crops have shown that Probandz® bait sprays with low insecticide rates are as effective or better than full-rate sprays.
In strawberry tunnels with released spotted wing drosophila, using a bait spray of Probandz® with a reduced rate (4%) of insecticide was equally effective as using the full-rate of insecticide in a high-volume spray, reducing SWD numbers by approximately 80%.
Strawberry field trial treatments
Control | Bait Spray
Full rate spray | |
Nozzle Type | N/A | Lechler nozzle type
IDK 120-015 |
Orange Albuz hollow cone |
Droplet Size | N/A | 340 micron droplets | 154-225 microns droplets |
Spray cover | No sprays | 20 cm band per double row | Entire canopy |
Water volume | N/A | Low volume (40 L/ha) | High volume (500L/ha) |
Insecticide rate (alternating weekly between two pesticides) | N/A | Tracer: 8 ml/ha | Tracer: 200 ml/ha |
N/A | Exirel: 36 ml/ha | Exirel: 900 ml/ha |
Strawberry trial results

In a commercial raspberry crop, using a bait spray of Probandz® with a reduced rate (4%) of insecticide was equally effective as using the full-rate of insecticide in a high-volume spray, achieving complete control after four weeks.
Raspberry field trial treatments
Bait Spray
Full rate spray | |
Nozzle Type | Lechler nozzle type
IDK 120-015 |
Orange Albuz hollow cone |
Droplet Size | 340 micron droplets | 154-225 microns droplets |
Spray cover | 1m band mid-canopy | Entire canopy |
Water volume | Low volume (40 L/ha) | High volume (500L/ha) |
Insecticide rate (alternating weekly between two pesticides) | Tracer: 8 ml/ha | Tracer: 200 ml/ha |
Exirel: 36 ml/ha | Exirel: 900 ml/ha |
Raspberry field trial results

Trials were supported by NIAB, Microbiotech, Berry Gardens, Russell IPM, and Innovate UK.
Benefits of ProBandz®
* Estimates based on replicated field trials carried out by Microbiotech and NIAB-EMR

Tree Fruit

Cane Fruit

2 litres of Probandz® in 40 litres of spray volume per hectare in soft fruit, including strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, currants, blueberry and grapes
4 litres of Probandz® in 80 litres of spray volume per hectare in sweet and sour cherry
To get the best cost-benefit from Probandz® use 4% of the full approved insecticide rate in low spray volumes (40L/ha soft fruit; 80L/ha tree fruit) and apply in a band, treating 4-8% of the crop canopy.
Check the latest pesticide approvals and specific rates for your crop,. Examples of commonly used insecticides include:
Insecticide | Active Ingredient | Full insecticide rate/ha* | Bait spray rate/ha |
Tracer® (strawberry) | Spinosad 480 g/l | 150 ml/ha | 6 ml/ha |
Tracer® (cherry) | Spinosad 480 g/l | 200 ml/ha | 8 ml/ha |
Exirel® (strawberry) | Cyantraniliprole 100g/l | 900 ml/ha | 36 ml/ha |
Always refer to the pesticide label.
Never exceed 50% of the full approved insecticide rate.
Begin applications as soon as monitoring traps indicate the presence of SWD, before egg-laying begins.
Repeat as necessary, following the statutory conditions of use for the insecticide used.
For best effect apply mid-afternoon against SWD.
Spray onto dry leaves within 24 hours of mixing.
Band treatment: Adapt the spray equipment to apply low volumes of water per hectare as a band treatment. Ask your agronomist for help if required. Examples:
- Cane fruit: Treat every second row with 2 nozzles per side to deliver a 1m band below flower height
- Cherry: Apply a 2m band to the canopy down one side of each tree
- Strawberry: Apply a 20 cm band with a single nozzle over each double row
Mixing: Premix Probandz® with warm water (Max 40°C, 1:1 ratio) and stir immediately, before adding the diluted mixture to the spray tank liquid.
Nozzle types for band treatments: Use nozzles that result in coarse droplets (E.g. 340 micron droplets): IDK 120-015 (Lechler); Airmix 110015 (Greenleaf); AVI/CVI 90-015 (Albuz); or equivalent.
Tank mixes: Do not mix with other insecticides, fungicides, adjuvants, or foliar fertilisers unless compatibility is checked before use, and if conditions are not recommended for partner pesticides.
Clean sprayer after using Probandz®
ProBandz® is used only as an adjuvant at a maximum concentration of 5% spray solution.
ProBandz® is approved for use in the UK with all authorised plant protection products on all edible and non-edible crops, provided that the statutory conditions of use for the pesticide are followed and that the pesticide is not used at more than 50% of the maximum approved rate for that application.
Follow all operator protection instructions for the plant protection product. Where the personal protective equipment specified on the adjuvant label is different to that specified on the plant protection product label, the highest level of protective equipment must be worn.
It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure the active substance or plant protection product referred to on this list entry are currently authorised for use when applying in a tank mix.
To check authorised products please go to: Pesticides Register – Search Page (Pesticides Register – Search Page).
To check active substances please refer to either the EU database (EU Pesticides Database (v.2.2) Search Active substances, safeners and synergists) or the GB register Click Here >> as necessary.
Commonly asked questions from growers
The duration of efficacy of the bait spray is limited by the degradation of the pesticide. We used 3-day old bait sprays with pesticides added at 4% of full field rate in a bioassay jar test and it didn’t show any efficacy against SWD.
I don’t know the degradation of the ProBandz on leaves. With repeated weekly sprays, we have shown good control of SWD over several weeks so I don’t think there is a problem of SWD being attracted to ProBandz after the pesticide efficacy has gone.
Pesticide residues in fruit are lower than if pesticides are applied at full field rate. The bait spray is also applied as a band, away from the fruit.
We have not observed any wasps (or bees) being attracted to sprayed leaves.
We have not seen sooty moulds under normal polytunnel RH conditions. We have seen sooty mould in small enclosed compartments where RH was at dew point. No phytotoxicity has been observed on strawberry, raspberry and charry